Using the “Search All Products” on the MSC, you can download the NFHL data for a County or State in a GIS file format. You can also use the address search on the FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) to view the NFHL data or download a FIRMette.

For more information on available services, go to the NFHL GIS Services User Guide. Technical GIS users can also utilize a series of dedicated GIS web services that allow the NFHL database to be incorporated into websites and GIS applications. In the NFHL Viewer, you can use the address search or map navigation to locate an area of interest and the NFHL Print Tool to download and print a full Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or FIRMette (a smaller, printable version of a FIRM) where modernized data exists. Or you you may view, download, and print current local digital effective flood hazard data in an ArcGIS map.